#96: Ciara Sherlock - Psychedelic integration and Women’s Circles

Ciara Sherlock is a hard woman to put in a box, but she can be definitely described as someone who is deeply invested in helping people improve their relationships with themselves and the world around them. You might find her holding space for a woman becoming a mother, supporting a person through an altered state of consciousness or working with someone with pain or trauma manifesting physically. She weaves her knowledge and experience of bodywork, altered states of consciousness and shamanism (or spirituality) to create a holistic process that encompasses mind, body and spirit. In this podcast, I speak with Ciara about the importance of what is referred to as integration work after a psychedelic journey, in essence how we can derive meaning from the experience and how this meaning can help us in our everyday lives. We discuss what psychedelic integration can entail and what can happen if one moves from trip to trip without attempting to bring these experiences into the day-to-day. We also talk about the Women’s Circles that Ciara facilitates and the healing power of being held by a group of people as you reveal the layers of your soul (yes, that is a Kanye West lyric). But sincerely, I have benefitted hugely from men’s circles and it was lovely to hear Ciara describe similar uplifting shifts and deeper connections occurring for women too. I thoroughly enjoyed this chat as I moved from a tired man to a very engaged, excited child towards the end of the podcast. I have left a link to Ciara’s website if you would like to learn more about her and her work.



#97: Dr Piera Briganti - Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing


#95: Manuel Salazar - Fighting Climate Change