#113: Ciara Sherlock - Bodywork and Doula Work

You might remember Ciara Sherlock from an episode that I recorded with her in back in 2022. In that episode, we discussed the significance of psychedelic integration along with the growing popularity of women’s circles. In this episode, we cover other aspects of Ciara’s work; namely Bodywork and Doula work. In the current climate, where more and more people are accepting of the body’s capacity to store our deeper psychological and emotional weight – we chat about how massage therapy can help many who are looking to deepen their connection to their body and the variety of symptoms that this process can assist with. We then move onto discuss Doula work- which could be summarised as holistic support for women throughout their entire pregnancy journey- which can begin when a couple are considering the possibility of having a child, and can move up until postpartum, with guidance and emotional support around feeding along with naming ceremony facilitations. Doula work has played an integral role in our culture over hundreds of years and we unpack this as well as how Doulas can work alongside as well as outside the mainstream maternity services. Unfortunately, there are women who feel rushed, unherd, isolated and unsupported during their pregnancy and after birth and for women who desire deep support for the incredibly challenging and enriching process of bringing a child into this world, Doula work is an additional option. Doulas also work with women who have experienced pregnancy loss. If you would like to learn more about the topics covered in this podcast and/or contact Ciara please see the link to her website below. Happy New Year!



#114: Dr. Sula Windgassen - Tending to Chronic Illness


#112: Erick Godsey - The Subtleties of Spirituality Online