Who are you when nobody’s watching?
I wasn’t happy with my answer to that question, so I began the never-ending journey for growth, in all it’s forms. Through a tumultuous period in my personal life I found out what I was made of. Did I walk the walk as good as I talked the talk. The answer? I showed strength and weakness in equal measure. There was, and probably always will be, plenty of room for improvement.
I owed it to myself and those I love to be the best I can be, or at least try. I began to pursue my interests with a newfound tenacity and so I moved to Madrid to perfect my Spanish (which I studied at university) and put plans in place for my future. I started to become introspective and ask if I could do better… be better. I removed excuses from the equation and realised that if I was serious about being a better son, brother, boyfriend or friend then I needed to address my flaws and be honest about who I am. This journey has only just begun and I want to share it with you. I hope you enjoy the ride.