#63: João Esteves - Social Prescribing

It is becoming increasingly accepted that our environment, our relationships, and our lifestyle have a huge say on our overall health. These are areas where your local GP cannot help so much. This is not a critique, GP’s play a significant role in the community however there are plainly some areas where a prescription or some advice might not have such a big positive impact. Social prescribing has evolved in acknowledgment of this and seeks to help those in our community that do not need medication but rather need connection, exercise, and to feel a part of something bigger. Joao Esteves is Mr. Social Prescribing and a very kind man. Joao spent several years helping the social prescribing movement off the ground in Ireland and now resides in his hometown in Portugal. Here, Joao explains this approach to mental and physical health and provides numerous examples of how it has changed people’s lives. If you want to learn more you can check out the link below and if you’re in Ireland or the UK, ask your GP for some information.


#64: Paul Biddulph - The Importance of Therapy


#62: Rhian Mannings MBE - Choosing Life After Death