Podcast Episodes

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#68: Rick Yount - Warrior Canine Connection
Seb Siracusa & Jim O'Connell Seb Siracusa & Jim O'Connell

#68: Rick Yount - Warrior Canine Connection

In this episode, Seb talks to Rick Yount, the founder and creator of the Warrior Canine Connection which is is a pioneering organization that utilizes its Mission Based Trauma Recovery model to help wounded Warriors reconnect with life, their families, their communities, and each other.

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#49: Meg Daley Olmert - The Human-Animal Bond
Seb Siracusa & Jim O'Connell Seb Siracusa & Jim O'Connell

#49: Meg Daley Olmert - The Human-Animal Bond

Join Seb as he talks to Meg Daley Olmert about the human-animal bond. Meg is an author of the book “Made for Each Other: The Biology of the Human-Animal Bond” and we talk about the origins of this special relationship we share with animals and also the science behind it. Meg also shares inspirational stories of projects that have use animals to help rehabilitate humans such as the Warrior Canine Connection and therapy dogs helping Ugandan war survivors.

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