Podcast Episodes

The complete list of all our episodes. Click on each episode to see extensive show notes & unique workbooks. Available on all podcast platforms.

#70: Emma Swan - Till Death Do Us Part
Seb Siracusa & Jim O'Connell Seb Siracusa & Jim O'Connell

#70: Emma Swan - Till Death Do Us Part

In this episode, we to Emma Swan, Tom Swan’s childhood sweetheart and now tragically widow. Emma talks openly about her own struggles watching Tom’s battle with terminal brain cancer, how it affected their relationship for better or worse, her own moments of doubt and fear and what life without Tom looks like going forward. Emma’s bravery, strength and compassion are just some of the reasons why Tom fell in love with her and those characteristics are there for all to see in the podcast! Thank you, Emma.

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#65: Rose Yavneh Taylor - A Relationship With Grief
Seb Siracusa & Jim O'Connell Seb Siracusa & Jim O'Connell

#65: Rose Yavneh Taylor - A Relationship With Grief

Finally, after over a year of rescheduling thanks to COVID we got to sit down and talk to the wonderful Rose Yavneh Taylor about her book “365 days past the traffic lights” and her relationship with grief after her dad passed suddenly due to cancer. Rose has had time to reflect on her father’s passing and what she felt in the moment and subsequently as well as how her feelings have evolved over time. Her book is a great help for anyone going through something similar as it is honest and raw and clearly written by someone who knows grief intimately.

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#62: Rhian Mannings MBE - Choosing Life After Death
Seb Siracusa & Jim O'Connell Seb Siracusa & Jim O'Connell

#62: Rhian Mannings MBE - Choosing Life After Death

It’s very rare you come across someone like Rhian. Her ability to speak about death, grief, and bereavement in such an honest and open manner made this difficult conversation profoundly memorable and inspiring. In this hour, Rhian tells us about the passing of her son and husband in the same week, how the initial days and weeks unfolded, and the process of post-traumatic growth which contributed towards the establishment of the bereavement charity 2WishUponAStar. Rhian provides a perspective on bereavement that we haven’t fully explored on the podcast before and certainly facilitated some catharsis for me and I hope for you. We’ve provided links below for Rhian’s charity if you’d like to learn more about her work. We really appreciate Rhian sharing her experience with us.

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