#59: Dr Gaétan Chevalier - Earthing; Mother Nature's Cure?

Join the guys as they talk to Dr Gaétan Chevalier about Earthing. Earthing is a fairly recent scientific discovery which basically means that we need to be in direct contact with the Earth’s surface (land or sea). Extensive research shows that connecting to the Earth’s natural energy, by walking barefoot on grass, sand, dirt or rock or swimming in the sea can diminish chronic pain, fatigue, inflammation and so much more. Dr Gaétan explains how it has had dramatic effects on people with Parkinson’s disease, Multiple sclerosis and other illnesses and explains how as little as 30 minutes earthing a day can help maintain good health. Find more information here.


#60: Dr Stephen Ilardi - How to Overcome Depression


#58: Anna Fiona Keogh - Healing Properties of Dance